I’ve never found solace in the idea of a soulmate, someone who becomes your whole world. I could not handle that type of romantic relationship.
I’ve never found solace in the idea of a soulmate, someone who becomes your whole world. I could not handle that type of romantic relationship.
But yeah, writer’s block. I wasn’t sure what to sit down and write tonight. And I’m writing while lying in bed. Laying in bed? Apparently spellcheck is telling me that “laying” is wrong. Thanks MS. I really needed something else double underlined saying “THIS IS WRONG RIGHT HERE FIX ME.”
I know in my heaviest of hearts that I have changed so much from that younger me.
I'll win you over make you my own,
Build you a throne in our home,
A pedestal of racecar palindromes.
Drawing your ire every time they call me sire, do you desire to see the fire and be inspired?
Or do you find me a liar, with pants of fire, showing stripes of a tiger, a liger, an out of his prime fighter?
Cause we swingin them thangs
And givin our thanks
When we roll up to the banks
And cop us some cake