Friendzone: Friend or Warden pt. 2
Part 2 on Friendzones
I gained a new and different understanding of what the friendzone entails once I rejected romantic or sexual advances. Turns out it isn’t only men that get upset and hurt by the rejection of retaining a friendship over romance. Last essay I reflected on the friendships I fizzled out by trying to change the nature of the relationship. I find myself now returning to the same idea inverted.
A few summers ago, I decided to stop drinking. I kept finding myself in unhealthy, unlawful, and downright dangerous situations caused by poor decision making. I never became an alcoholic as that comes with a level of addiction whereas I could hardly refuse a drink offered. I remember one of the last nights I went out partying downtown at a contemporary Speakeasy with a friend and her friend that I had not met. I thought we were just homies out to get drunk.
After a few Old Fashioned drinks on my tab, we decided to go back to her place and keep drinking whiskey there. I felt super baller at the time and bought drinks as well as the bottle on the way. We kept drinking Jameson at the apartment and having a good time. At some point my friend left me with her friend who asked to gauge my romantic interest. I had none and said as much. We kept drinking until I quickly stood up to use the restroom and passed out from the blood rush. I fell face first into the bathroom and found myself on the ground with no understanding of how I got there. I got put in an Uber, sent home, and managed to stumble my way to my bed. It was the third to last time I ever drank.
My friend, however, nearly cut all communication with me after the lack of romantic interest. I had friendzoned her and lost the friendship as a result. It took the last couple of years to better comprehend the situation and it has caused me to reflect back on my life again. How many friends have I lost because I wouldn’t fuck them? I sit here and I wonder which is worse of the friendzone: The Friend or The Warden?